Daily Khmer to learn Khmer

Everyday Khmer is the first book I bought to learn Khmer. I was then very motivated at the start and proud to have bought this book. I share my opinion with you

The contents of the Khmer book on a daily basis Khmer au quotidien

This book is written by Jean-Michel Filippi. It includes a lexicon and an audio CD to help in learning Khmer.

The Daily Khmer Book Test Khmer au quotidien

I had started using the book to learn Cambodian . Although it has an extra audio CD, I quickly gave up learning Khmer. For what ? I lacked motivation!

I still have the book but I switched to another method which I will tell you about later (a little more expensive). Also, the book's writing, pages, and cover aren't "vivid enough" colors. It's also a story of taste and feeling with the book 🙂


According to the comment, this book to learn the Khmer language is not bad. For my part, I no longer use it at the moment because I am testing new methods as you can see with the videos and mobile apps . then more to come. Learning via "Khmer everyday" is a little more traditional with a book and the audio CD .

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Attention I never said that this book is zero, what I mean is that you have to find your tools with which you feel best to work . If you're not a fan of mobile apps or videos, then this book should satisfy you.

Available on amazon: Daily Khmer (1CD audio) Khmer au quotidien (1CD audio)khmer au quotidien

And you, what other books do you use to learn Cambodian?

Cover image photo credit: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/vector-open-paper-book-speech-clouds-236184151 https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/vector-open-paper-book-speech-clouds-236184151

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Daily Khmer to learn Khmer

Ling se démarque comme une solution innovante et efficace, particulièrement pour les langues moins courantes comme le khmer. Conçue par des experts linguistiques et plébiscitée par plus d'un million d'utilisateurs, Ling offre une approche complète et engageante pour maîtriser la langue cambodgienne.

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